
Thursday, April 29, 2010

The Masterpiece of Dawn / Leslie Moon

The Masterpiece of Dawn

Blues, grays, streaks of burgundy
Fine lines, broad strokes etch the sky
The artist's work in motion

Light infuses and excites the eye
Bold ochres, ambers, crimsons splash the canvas
The haughty orb rises into place

Satisfied the palette in repose
Another masterpiece hung
Behold the master's colorful array of splendor

Leslie Moon (moondustwriter)
California, U.S.A.

Moondustwriter's Blog:

[All rights reserved by the author - Used with permission]

1 comment:

  1. Fortunate, even enlightened is the person who has the time to look up and connect with the beauty of the everchanging sky, just beyond our fingertips. I'm glad you're one that sees...then feels.

