
Sunday, May 19, 2019

Expecting Inspiration / George Sulzbach

Expecting Inspiration

Watching cars and people
something I do a lot.
Sitting near the alley
trying to bum a smoke.
Those rich folks
walking by
the stories they must have.
Like I don't have one
as if I was just a still life.

A smile from one
that makes my day
and a dollar or two
even more.
I'm not looking for a hand out
I don't need you to survive
I'm not asking for a donation
I'm just looking for to be inspired.

Don't need a girl friend
or a hit off the stem
I don't need a street preacher's tears.
I need something I can make art of
some sculpture
but then again no.

Making waves on down the street
those folks are not my style.
I won't beg you for no hand outs
but I'd like it if you'd  . . .
give me a smile.

George Sulzbach, 2016

[All rights reserved - used with permission]

George Sulzbach biography

George Sulzbach, "Shadowville Speedway," 2008.
All rights reserved - used with permission


  1. I thank you G.D.

    Please add a mention of my Navy service in the Wiki BIO, I was stationed at Alameda base, from 1986-1990.

  2. It's added.
    I'd like to say more if there's more to say. I sent you some questions on rec.arts.poems; if you reply, there or here, I'll add that info as well.

    1. I thank you G.D. and will be sending more complete info in the near future...
