
Sunday, June 9, 2024

Logos (III. Consecration) / George J. Dance

III. Consecration

To watch the stillness in moving things;
Light, rock, water over rock,
How they have ascended from nothing;
To see the future tensed
Within a seed, a mind
the motion within the still;
To build and, building, rise
Creating from such nothing
The building rising from the rock,
Power from water bearing light;
To write in poems of carbon
Rising from mind the word –
        “Deus, ecce deus”
– the way these all emerge from nothing,
Permanence from void, the logos
Still within – now and forever
Movement and stillness
Ascending on the spiral,
Climbing the ancient winding stair
The fixed point always present, always still
Within the ascent;
It is of such things
That our myths are made:


[All rights reserved - used with permission]

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