
Sunday, June 2, 2024

Logos (V. Benediction) / George J. Dance

V. Benediction

Nothing was changed by the risen sun
Itself, yet all is enlightened since darkness fled:
The land behind me skull-white to be green,
Ahead grey ocean to be vivid aqua,
All at rest, all in motion, all of it
Particles in random chaos
Become molecules in rigid stasis,
So much from void; my eyes the very same
Giving it all the beauty,
My words the meaning,
My hearing the song. I am
The hub, the fixed point,
The still point without which there is no dance
And there is always the dance,
Movement and stillness ever entwined,
Now illuminated. Yet
Nothing is changed, no, nothing is new
But a new light over the sea; while on the sea
Another ship charts course, churning
Blades into spume, shearing
Prow through breakers, curling
Sheets of white water
Around the mewing gulls.

George J. Dance, 1972-2021
from Logos, and other logoi, 2021

[All rights reserved - used with permission]

1 comment:

  1. “There is always the dance.”
    Change is always.
