
Saturday, June 29, 2024

June / Edwin Arnold

from The Twelve Months


Lily of June, pearl-petalled, emerald-leaved!
   A sceptre thou, a silver-studded wand
By lusty June, the Lord of Summer, waved,
   To give to blade and bud his high command.

Meneerke Bloem, Lilium 
candidum, 2012. CC BY-SA

Nay! not a sceptre, but a seated Bride,
   The white Sultana of a world of flowers.
Chosen, o'er all their passion and their pride,
   To reign with June, Lady of azure hours.

Ah, Vestal-bosomed! Thou that, all the May,
   From maidenly reserve wouldst not depart,
Till June's warm wooing won thee to display
   The golden secret hidden at thy heart:

Lay thy white heart bare to the Summer King!
   Brim thy broad chalice for him with fresh rain!
Fling to him from thy milky censers, fling
   Fine fragrances, a Bride without a stain!

Without?— look, June! thy pearly love is smutched!
   That which did wake her gentle beauty, slays;
Alas! that notliing lovely lasts, if touched
   By aught more earnest than a longing gaze.

Edwin Arnold (1832-1904)
from Poems: National and non-oriental, 1906

[Poem is in the public domain worldwide]

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