Wednesday, May 1, 2024

Penny's Top 20 / April 2024


Penny's Top 20

The most-visited poems on  The Penny Blog in April 2024:

  1.  April Weather, Edith Wyatt
  3.  Skating, William Wordsworth
  4.  Winter Ghost (Taking a Time Out), Will Dockery
  5.  Bird Cage, Hector de Saint-Denys Garneau
  6.  February, George J. Dance
  7.  Silk Diamond, George Sulzbach 
  8.  Darkness, Lord Byron
  9.  When I Heard the Learn'd Astronomer, Walt Whitman
10.  August, Edmund Spenser

11.  Sea-Fever, John Masefield
12.  June Rain, Richard Aldington
13.  The Dwarf, Wallace Stevens
14.  Song at Parting, Francis Sherman
15.  An April Rain Song, Langston Hughes
16.  April in the Hills, Archibald Lampman
17.  April, Edwin Arnold
18.  The April Day, Caroline Bowles Southey
19.  June Rain, Louise Driscoll
20. April Rain, Lew Sarett

Source: Blogger, "Stats"  

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