Saint Augustine Blues, Chorus Six, St. Patrick's Day,
September Night, September 9, September 1913, September. 1918,
Shepherd Singing Ragtime, She Sleeps Tight, She walks in beauty,
Shireen and the Bee, The Shortest Day, Shuttered House,
Sick and sullen and sad the slow days go,
Silk Diamond, Silver Filigree, S.I.W., Six O'Clock,
The Skater, The Skaters, Skating,
The Sky, The Sky is low, Sky Song,
Sleeping with Open Eyes, The Sleigh-Bells, Slow Spring,
The Smoker, Snow, The Snow-Blossoms, The Snowdrift,
Snow Dusk, The Snow-fairy, The Snow-fall, A Snow-flake,
Snow-flakes, The Snowing of the Pines, Snow in the Suburbs,
The Snow Is Deep on the Ground, The Snow Man,
Snow Monotones, Snow on the East Wind, Snow Rain,
A Snowshoe Song, The Snow Storm, Snowstorm in December,
So It Befell, The Soldier,
Solitaire, Solitude, Solitude Surrounded,
Song at Parting, Song at Summer's End,
A Song for April, A Song for Canada, A Song for Mithras,
A Song for Mother's Day, A Song for New Year's Eve,
A Song for September, A Song for Spring,
Song: Has summer come without the rose?,
Song of a Second April, A Song of Autumn, Song of Late September,
A Song of the Four Seasons, The Song of the Ski,
Song of the Summer Rain, The Song of the Ungirt Runners,
A Song of Winter, Songs, The Songster, Songs to Joannes,
The Sonnet, Sonnet for the 14th of February, Sonnet 1977,
A Sonnet of the Moon, Sonnet on the Luxembourg Gallery,
The Soul of Summer, So, we'll go no more a-roving,
The Sower, Spectacle de la danse, Spleen,
Spoils of the Dead, Spring, Spring Again,
Spring among the Ruins, Spring Breaks in Foam,
Spring Day, Spring Floods, A Spring Idyll,
The Spring in Ireland: 1916, Spring in the Shops,
Spring is like a perhaps hand, Spring Longings,
Spring Morning, Spring Night, The Spring of the Year,
Spring Pastoral, Spring Posy, Spring Rain,
Spring Rain in London, Spring Rains, The Spring Returns!,
Spring's Beacon, Spring Scene, Spring's Immortality,
Spring Song, Spring's Sacrament, Spring's Welcome,
Spring-Time, Stanzas for Music, The Stare's Nest by My Window,
The Starlit Night, The stars are glittering in the frosty sky,
Stars at Tallapoosa, Sticky Sweaty, Stonewalled Meteor,
Stony Lake, Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening, Stopwatch,
The Stretcher-Bearer, The Succession of the Four Sweet Months,
Summer, Summer Acres, Summer: A fragment, Summer and the Poet,
Summer Dawn, Summer Day, Summer Days, Summer Evening,
Summer Haiku, Summer Holiday, Summer in the South,
A Summer Mood, Summer-Moon, A Summer Morning,
A Summer Night, Summer Night, Riverside,
Summer 1924, Summer 1969, Summer of Love,
The Summer Rain, Summer Rain, Summer Schemes, The Summer Sea,
Summer's Farewell, The Summer Shower, A Summer's Night,
Summer Song, Summer Stars, Summer Storm, Summer Streams,
Summer Sun, The Summer Sunshine, Summer to Autumn,
A Summer Wind, sun being born, The Sun Cup,
Sunlight, Sunny March, The Sun Rising, The Sun This March,
Susanna and the Elders, Swamp Street Exile,
A sweet exhaustion seems to hold, sweet flickers,
Sweet September Days, Sweet Wild April, Symbols,