Monday, July 1, 2024

Canada / Pauline Johnson


Crown of her, young Vancouver; crest of her, old Quebec;
Atlantic and far Pacific sweeping her, keel to deck.
North of her, ice and arctics; southward a rival’s stealth;
Aloft, her Empire’s pennant; below, her nation’s wealth.
Daughter of men and markets, bearing within her hold,
Appraised at highest value, cargoes of grain and gold.

E. Pauline Johnson (Tekahionwake) (1861-1913)
from Flint and Feather, 1912

[Poem is in the public domain worldwide]

Mack Male, Canada Day Fireworks, 2013. CC BY-SA 2.0, Wikimedia Commons.

July's featured poem

The Penny Blog's featured poem for July 2024:

When Summer Comes, by Sophia Almon Hensley

When summer comes, and when o’er hill and lea
The sun’s strong wooing glow hath patiently
Shed o’er the earth long days his golden dower

Penny's Top 20 / June 2024


Penny's Top 20

The most-visited poems on  The Penny Blog in June 2024:

  1.  Logos, George J. Dance
  2.  June Rain, Richard Aldington
  3.  Esthetique du Mal, Wallace Stevens
  4.  A Day in June, James Russell Lowell
  5.  Lines to My Father, Countee Cullen
  6.  Early Summer, Ellwood Roberts
  7.  A June Day, Philip Bourke Marston
  8.  June, Edwin Arnold
  9.  Skating, William Wordsworth
10.  The Red Wheelbarrow, William Carlos Williams

11.  A Light exists in Spring, Emily Dickinson
12.  A Dream in November, Edmund Gosse
13.  Bird Cage, Hector de Saint-Denys Garneau
14.  Large Red Man Reading, Wallace Stevens
15.  The Snow is Deep on the Ground, Kenneth Patchen
16.  My Father, Ann Taylor
17.  A Madrigal, Isidore C. Ascher
18.  February, George J. Dance
19.  Moonlight Alert, Yvor Winters
20. Heat, Archibald Lampman

Source: Blogger, "Stats"