Saturday, August 24, 2024

August / Edwin Arnold

from The Twelve Months


(From the German)

Gerda Arendt, Apple tree in field, Ehrenbach
Once, with a landlord wondrous fine,
    A weary guest, I tarried;
A golden pippin was his sign,
    Upon a green branch carried!

Mine host — he was an apple-tree
    With whom I took my leisure;
Fair fruit, and mellowed juicily,
    He gave me from his treasure.

There came to that same hostel gay
    Bright guests, in brave adorning;
A merry feast they made all day,
    And sang, and slept till morning.

I, too, to rest my body laid
    On bed of crimson clover;
The landlord with his own broad shade
    Carefully spread me over.

I rose; — I called to pay the score,
    But "No!" he grandly boweth;
Now, root and fruit, for evermore
    God bless him, while he groweth!

Edwin Arnold (1832-1904)
from Poems: National and non-oriental, 1906

[Poem is in the public domain worldwide]

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