Sunday, February 2, 2025

February's featured poem


The Penny Blog's featured poem for January 2025:
The Quiet Snow, by Raymond Knister

The quiet snow
Will splotch
Each in the row of cedars
With a fine
And patient hand;

Saturday, February 1, 2025

Penny's Top 20 / January 2025


Penny's Top 20

The most-visited poems on  The Penny Blog in January 2025:

  1.  Penny's Blog, George J. Dance
  2.  Winterworld Descending, Will Dockery
  3.  January, George J. Dance
  4.  Skating, William Wordsworth
  5.  A Winter Picture, Ethelwyn Wetherald 
  6.  Logos, George J. Dance
  7.  Large Red Man Reading, Wallace Stevens
  8.  Ode to Sport, Pierre de Coubertin
  9.  Esthetique du Mal, Wallace Stevens
10.  Bird Cage, Hector de Saint-Denys Garneau

11.  August, Edmund Spenser
12.  Vowels, Arthur Rimbaud
14.  The Red Wheelbarrow, William Carlos Williams
15.  Nativity, John Donne
16.  North Wind in October, Robert Bridges
17.  Winter Song, Elizabeth Tollett
18.  The Dwarf, Wallace Stevens
19.  Always There, George J. Dance
20. The Branch, AE Reiff

Source: Blogger, "Stats" 

Thursday, January 30, 2025

Penny's Blog: Introduction

Penny's Blog: Introduction

[To skip the introduction and go straight to the poem, click this link.]

Penny's Poetry Blog went public on New Year's Day 2010, with the publication of our first (and still the longest) pennypoem, "Penny (or Penny's Hat)". To mark the blog's 15th anniversary, we are publishing a new pennypoem, "Penny's Blog". 

So what is a pennypoem? First and foremost, it is a "conceptual" poem. Conceptual poetry, as the Academy of American Poets explains it, is:

an early twenty-first century literary movement, self-described by its practitioners as an act of  "uncreative writing." In conceptual poetry, appropriation is often used as a means to create new work, focused more on the initial concept rather than the final product of the poem.

The basic idea, as I understand it, is similar to a "found poem," which takes non-poetic text and repurposes it as a poem. In addition, though, conceptual poems are governed by an overriding concept that acts as a rule of writing; essentially, it deals with the lack of formal rules in free verse by  substituting a different rule or set of rules. 

Source texts can be anything. In "Penny" the sources were various lists of colors; in "Penny's OS" they were software operating systems; in "Penny's Cat is Dead" they were euphemisms for dying; and in "Penny's Blog" they are the titles of all the poems that have appeared on the blog over the past fifteen years. In all cases the conceptual rule has been to compile all the source texts into one comprehensive alphabetical list. 

Which brings us to the second feature of pennypoems; they are "list poems". List poems have a long, if not respectable, history. I first encountered the the term in a work by Northrop Frye, who argued that the "list of reminders or stimuli" is "the central technical device of nostalgic verse," citing this example by Canadian poet Edna Jaques:

The strong clean smell of yellow soap,
A farmer plowing with a team,
The taste of huckleberry pie,
A pan of milk with wrinkled cream.

All words have power to stimulate independent thoughts in a reader; in "Penny's Blog" that is especially so whenever the reader recognizes a poem title. The main point of the pennypoems, though, is to evoke sonics rather than images; to write poetry that is organized around sound rather than sense.  Which makes the third poetic type in which pennypoems can be classified: "sound poetry." The items on the lists are chosen and grouped together, in various combinations depending on the poem, to make the best sounding lines. (For that reason, I would suggest reading the poems both quietly and aloud at different times.)

An optional feature of some pennypoems has been the production of 2.0 versions of the poem; hyperlinked versions of the poem that one can use for further information on the words used. In Penny's Blog 2.0" the links lead directly to the poems on the blog; so long as the blog remains active, so do the links. When finished, "Penny's Blog 2.0" will appear down below after the poem. 

One final feature of the pennypoems can be noted: all of them begin and end with a short frame tale featuring Penny, a fictional character that I invented to be the virtual editor of the blog. These brief narratives are a nod to conventional narrative poetry, meant to be somewhat droll or humorous. 

Despite the frame tales, I must stress that a pennypoem is the furthest thing from narrative poetry. There is no narrative progression no development, and therefore no reason to start at the beginning and read through to the end. That is why the pennypoems are presented on the blog as individual stanzas, rather than as one continuous work. One can read "Penny's Blog" as a continuous work, of course, if one wishes; to do so, simply click the "begin reading" link underneath this essay to get to the first stanza, then click the "continued" link at the end of each stanza to go on to the next. However, it makes just as much sense to browse through the poem at random; to read it that way, use the table of contents on the left side of the page. 

And that is probably more information than a reader needs or wants to know. (If you do have questions, or other comments, feel free to post them in the comments section at the end of this piece.) So, please go have a look at  "Penny's Blog." I hope you will have some of the fun reading it that I had writing it. 

[Begin reading:]

Wednesday, January 29, 2025

Penny's Blog (s 1)

Penny's Blog

These fragments I have shored against my ruins
- The Waste Land, T.S. Eliot


Penny likes to read poetry. She has a blog,
Penny's Poetry Blog, where she shares
poems she has read and enjoyed:
abandonment, Absence, Accompaniment, Accueil,
Acorns, Adam's Curse, Adlestrop, Advent,
Advent of Today, Advice to a Buttefly,
After Apple-Picking, Afterglow, After Loos,
Afternoon in February, Afternoon on a Hill,
After Rain, After Soufrière, After Summer,
After Summer Rain, After Tea, After the Rain,
After the Winter, Again at Christmas did we weave,
Age, All Hallows' Night, All in June, All Souls' Night,
All the Hills and Vales Along, All Things Burn,
Always Marry an April Girl, Always There, Amarant,
America, Among the Foot-Hills of the Rockies,
Among the Rocks, Ancestral Houses, The Ancient Game,
Ancient Music, And wilt thou have me fashion into speech,
The Angels' Anthem, Angel Standing in the Sun,
Answer July, Anthem for Doomed Youth, The Anxious Dead,
Any Woman, Approach of Winter, April,
An April Adoration, April Again, April (An April Day),
April: A pastoral poem, April Aubade, The April Day,
An April Fool of Long Ago, April Fool's Day,
An April Interlude - 1917, April in the Hills,
Aprill, April Madness, An April Morning,
An April Night, April's Fool, April Rain,
An April Rain Song, April Snow, April Weather,
L'aquarelle, Arlington, As at a Theater,
As imperceptibly as Grief, As We Go On,
At Christmas-tide, At Day-close in November,
At Lord's, At Night, At one time, At the Ball Game,
At the End of September, At the Gates of Dawn,
At the New Year, At the Palais, At the Seaside,
At the Year's Turn, August, August: A pastoral poem,
August (Beside the Sea), August Child, An August Cricket,
August Evening on the Beach, Lake Huron, August in the City,
An August Midnight, August Moon, August Moonrise,
August Night, August Night, on Georgian Bay,
August Noonday, August Wind, An August Wood Road,
Auld Lang Syne, Autrefois, Autumn, Autumnal,
Autumnal Day, Autumnal Sonnet, An Autumnal Thought,
Autumn: An ode, Autumn Ballad, Autumn Communion, 
Autumn Dawn, Autumn Dream, Autumn Evening,
Autumn Fires, Autumn Haiku, Autumn in Sussex, Autumn It Was,
Autumn Love, Autumn Maples, Autumn Movement, Autumn Music,
Autumn Nite, Autumn Orchards, Autumn Rain, 
The Autumn Sheaf, Autumn's Orchestra, The Autumn Thistles,
Autumn Treasure, Autumn Twilight, Autumn Wind,
Awake, thou Spring, Away from Town,

Tuesday, January 28, 2025

Penny's Blog (s 2)


Back Yard, baguette, Balance, 
Ballade of Christmas Ghosts, Ballade of Midsummer Days and Nights, 
Ballade of Summer's Sleep, Ballad of the Goodly Fere, 
Ballade of the Poet's Thought, Ballade of Tristram's Last Harping, 
Barbara Allen's Cruelty, Barley Feed, baseball, The Bat and the Loon,
Bath, The Battle of Blenheim, Bavarian Gentians,
The Beach in August, Beach Song, Beautiful Old Age,
Because, one night, my soul reached out, The Bed of Old John Zeller, 
Beeny Cliff, Before Harvest, Before Spring, Before the Snow,
Believe It or Not, The Bells, Beloved, Beneath Apple Boughs,
Berkshires in April, Besides the Autumn poets sing,
Between the dusk of a summer night, Birches,
Bird Cage, Birds of Passage, Bird Song,
The birds that sing on autumn eves, Black and Blue Night,
Blind, Blow, blow, thou winter wind, Blizzard,
The Blue Heron, Blue Squills, The Bobolinks,
Bombardment, A Book of Dreams, The Book of Wisdom,
A Boy and His Dad, Boy Remembers in the Field,
Braggart, Bramble-Hill, The Branch,
Break, Break, Break, Break of Day in the Trenches,
Breeze, The Breezes of June, The Bright Extensive Will,
Bring, in this timeless grave to throw, The Brook in February, 
The Burning Babe, Burning the Christmas Greens, But One,
By the Pacific Ocean, By the Autumn Sea, By the Sea,

Monday, January 27, 2025

Penny's Blog (s 3)


The Call, Call Back Our Dead, The Call of the Green,
Calmly We Walk through This April's Day,
Canada, Canadian Autumn Tints, Canadian Folk-Song,
The Canadian Nightingale in May, A Canadian Summer Evening,
Candles that Burn, Card Game, Casey at the Bat,
Cease Fire, C'est là sans appui, Ceremonies for Christmas,
Change, Chaos in Motion and Not in Motion,
Cherry-Ripe, The Cherry Tree, The Children,
Chloris in the Snow, Christmas, Christmas at Melrose,
Christmas at Sea, Christmas Bells, A Christmas-cake,
A Christmas Carol, A Christmas Carol for 1862,
Christmas Cheer, A Christmas Childhood, Christmas Eve,
A Christmas Greeting, Christmas in the Olden Time,
A Christmas Lullaby, Christmas Morn, The Christmas Night,
Christmas 1915, Christmas 1917, Christmas Prophecy,
The Christmas Silence, A Christmas Song, Christmas Sonnet,
A Christmas Symphony, Christmas Trees, Christmas Violets,
Christ's Nativity, Christ Walks in This Infernal District Too,
Chūn Wàng, The City Revisited, A City Sunset, Clay Dreams,
Coin of the Year, The cold earth slept below, The Cold Heaven,
Come, come thou bleak December wind, The Coming of Winter,
The Coming of Spring: Madrid, Coming Spring,
Commencement perpétuel, Composed upon Westminster Bridge,
The Conjurer, Conjuror, Connecticut Autumn,
A Contemplation upon Flowers, Corinna's Going a-Maying,
A corpse demands a drink, Country Boy Sliding, The Country Faith,
Crepuscule, Cuckoo Song, The Cup, Cynara,

Saturday, January 25, 2025

Penny's Blog (s 4)


Daily News, Daisy, Dance Pageant,
Dandelions, The Dark Hills,
Darkling Summer, Ominous Dusk, Rumorous Rain,
The Darkling Thrush, Darkness, Dawn in the June Woods,
The Day, The Day Charles Bukowski Died,
A Day in June, A Day in Spring, The Day is Waning,
Daysleepers, Dead Leaves, Dead or Alive,
The Dead, Dear March - Come in,
Death as the Teacher of Love-Lore,
The Death of the Flowers, The Death of the Old Year,
A Decade, December, December: A pastoral poem,
A December Day, December ('Neath Mistletoe),
Decorating, Defeat, Déjeuner sur l'herbe, Demons,
Departure, Description of Spring, Desert Places,
Design for November, Desolation is a Delicate Thing,
The Devil, the Moon, and the River, Dialogue of the Earth and Flower,
Digging, Dirge, A Dirge, A Dirge for Summer,
Dirge in Woods, Dirge of the Departed Year,
Dirty Spring, A Distant Spring, The Diver, Doggerel,
Domesday, Donc, ce sera par un clair jour d'ete,
The Donkey, The Dove of New Snow, A Dream,
A Dream in November, Drifting Away: A fragment,
The Drum, A Duet, Dulce et Decorum est,
Dusk in June, Dust of Snow, The Dwarf,
The Dying Philosopher to His Fiddler,

Thursday, January 23, 2025

Penny's Blog (s 5)


Each tree did boast the wishèd spring times pride,
The eager note on my door, The Eagle That Is Forgotten,
Early April, Early Autumn, Early May in New England,
Early Spring, Early Summer, Early Winter,
East Coker, Easter, An Easter Canticle,
Easter Day, Easter Evening, The Easter Flower,
Easter Hymn, Easter Music, Easter Night,
Easter Ode, Easter Song, An Easter Song,
Easter Week, The Ecchoing Green, 8-8,
Elegy for April and September, Elixir (Dance Mix),
The Elms, The Empty Places, Endless Beginning,
The End of Summer, End of Winter in Long Island,
Les enfants The Enthusiast: An ode, Envoy,
Ephemeris, Episode of a Night in May,
Especially when the October wind,
Esthetique du Mal, Evening,
The evening darkens over, An Evening in October,
Evening on Calais Beach, Evening on the Marshes,
Evil, Expecting Inspiration, The Exposed Nest,

Wednesday, January 22, 2025

Penny's Blog (s 6)


Faction, A Fading of the Sun, The Fair Singer,
Fair Summer droops, The Falling of the Leaves,
Fall, Leaves, Fall, Fall of Stars,
The Fall of the Leaf, Falltime, False February,
The Farmer's Bride, Fate, Father, A Father to His Son,
The Faun Sees Snow for the First Time,
The Feathers of the Willow, Februarie, February,
February: An elegy, February: A pastoral poem,
February Days, February Gems, The February Hush,
February in Rome, February Rain,
February (Saint Valentine), February's Forgotten Mitts,
February the First on the Prairies, February Twilight,
Feuilles d'Automne, Fever, The Field-Path, Fièvre,
Final Soliloquy of the Interior Paramour,
First Day of Summer, First Snow, The First Snow-Fall,
The First Week in October, Flying Over,
Flute, The Flute of Spring, For Christmas,
For Christmas Day, For My Darling,
For Now Comes Summer, For Summer-time,
For the Fallen, For You, Mother, The Fragile Season,
Francis Turner, Frayed Page Soaked in Rain,
Free Fantasia on Japanese Themes,
From a Chinese Vase, Frost at Midnight, The Frosted Pane,
Frost Tonight, The Frozen Thames, Fuji-san,
Full many a glorious moment have I seen,
The Furrow, Further in Summer than the Birds,

Tuesday, January 21, 2025

Penny's Blog (s 7)


A Game of Chess, Ganesha Girl on Rankin,
Garden, The Garden, A Garden of Love, Garden Wireless,
George Edmund's Song, Gethsemane, Ghosts of Uncertainties,
The Ghost-yard of the Goldenrod,
"Girls and Boys Come out to Play",
God is Good. It is a Beautiful Night., God Smiles,
The Golden Land, Goldenrod, Good Books,
Good Friday, Good Friday, 1613, Riding Westward,
Good King Wenceslas, Good Riddance, but Now What?,
Granite Grasses, The Gravedigger, The Great Matter,
The Great Willows, A Greek Idyl, Green,
The Green Book of the Bards, Green Boughs,
The Green Door, The Green Roads, Green Things Growing,
Greeting, Gray Days, The Grotto, ground zero,

Monday, January 20, 2025

Penny's Blog (s 8)


Hallowe'en, Hallowe'en in a Suburb, The Happy Tree,
Harvest, Harvest Dust, The Harvest Moon,
Haunted Houses, The Haunted Palace,
The Hawk, Heart Winter, Heat, Heat in the City,
Heaven's Man, The Height of Land, Hendecasyllabics,
Hero, High Flight, A High-Toned Old Christian Woman,
Hockey War, A Holiday, The Holly and the Ivy,
Home Thoughts, from Abroad, Horatian Ode 1.9,
The House Was Quiet and the World Was Calm,
The Housewife: Winter Afternoon, How Do I Love Thee?,
how far away it was, How He Died,
How like a winter hath my absence been, How Sleep the Brave,
How soon will all my lovely days be over,
How Spring Came (to the Lake Region),
How true love is likened to summer,
Hugh Selwyn Mauberley (IV-V), The Hunter, The Huron Carol,
Hurrahing in Harvest, Hymn, A Hymn on the Nativity of My Savior,
The Hymn to May, Hymn to the Month of September,

Sunday, January 19, 2025

Penny's Blog (s 9)


I Am Not Yours, I can remember, The Ice Storm,
Icicle Drops, The Idlers, If —,
If I should learn, in some quite casual way,
If you must love me, let it be for nought,
If Winter Remain, If you were a Rose and I were the Sun,
I Have a Rendezvous with Death, I Hear America Singing,
I heard a bird sing, I know I am but summer to your heart,
I Like Americans, I Like Canadians,
I lived with visions for my company,
I Loved a Lass, I loved you when the tide of prayer,
I love to see the summer beaming forth, I Met the Rain,
Immoral, Impression: Le Reveillon, Impressions,
Improvisations on the Flute, In a drear-nighted December,
In a Garden, In Apple Time, In April, In a September Night,
In a Suburb, Inaugural Poem, In August, In Autumn,
In Autumn's Dreamy Ear, In a Winter Wood, In a Wood,
Indian Summer, An Indian Summer Day on the Prairie,
Indifference?, In Early May, In February,
In Flanders Fields, In Fountain Court, In July,
In June, In June and Gentle Oven, in Just-spring,
In March, In May, In Memoriam (Easter 1915),
In Memory of a Happy Day in February,
In my craft or sullen art, Inniskeen Road: July Evening,
In November, Insanity, In September, In Spring,
In Summer, In Summer Time, In the Bleak Mid-Winter,
In the Fields, In the Garden, In the Gardens of Shushan,
In the Glad Month of May, In the High Hills, In the Shadows,
In the slant sunlight of the young October, The Intruder,
In Violet Light, Invitation to the Voyage, In Young July,
I See Phantoms of Hatred and of the Heart's Fullness and of the Coming
I So Liked Spring, I Speak Your Name, It came upon the midnight clear,
i thank You God for most this amazing,
I Thought of You, It Is Not Always May,
It is the day when he was born, It Is Winter, I Know,
It shall be, then, upon a summer's day,
It sifts from Leaden Sieves, It's September, It Was upon,
I would I were the glow-worm, thou the flower,

Saturday, January 18, 2025

Penny's Blog (s 10)


Jacket, Januarie, January, January: A pastoral poem,
A January Dandelion, January Dusk, A January Morning,
January Morning, January 1939, January, 1795,
January (Upon the Ice), Le jeu, Jonah,
The Journey of the Magi, Joy in Sorrow,
Joy like a stream flows through the Christmas-streets,
Joy-Month, Joy to the World, The Judgment of the May,
July, July: A pastoral poem, A July Dawn, A July Day,
Julye, A July Fern-Leaf, July Midnight,
A July Night, July (on Henley Bridge), Jumbo Park,
June, June: A pastoral poem, June Apples,
A June Day, June Dreams, in January, June in Maine,
June (in Rotten Row), June in the City,
June is Coming, June Leisure, A June Night,
June Night, June Rain, June Thunder,
A June-Tide Echo, Just Think!,

Friday, January 17, 2025

Penny's Blog (ss 11-12)


The Key, Knowing,


Lady of Autumn, The Lake Isle of Innisfree,
Lament of the Irish Emigrant, Lana Turner has collapsed!,
Landscape in Two Colours on a Background of Sky,
The Landsman, Large Red Man Reading, The Last Storm,
Last Week in October, Last Week of February, 1890,
Late August, Late Autumn, Late Autumn in the Hills,
Late February, Late October, Late Snow,
Late Summer, Leafless April, Leaves,
Let me not to the marriage of true minds,
Let Me Sing of What I Know, Let No Charitable Hope,
Letter in November, Life Is but a Dream,
A Light exists in Spring, Light of Day,
Like a tall forest were their spears,
Like one great opal on the breast of Night,
Like Rain it sounded till it curved,
Lilies and Violets, The Lily Bed,
Lines, Lines in Late March, Lines to My Father,
Lines to the New Year, 1822, Lines Written in Early Spring,
A little Madness in the Spring, Little Things, little tree,
Logos, London, London in July, London Snow,
Long Island Sound, Long May You Live,
Lorelei's Song, A Lost Morning, Lo, the winter is past,
Love at Easter, Love came down at Christmas,
love is more thicker than forget, Love is not all,
Love like an April day beguiles, The Lover in April,
Lovers' Lane, A Love Song,
The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock,
Love-songs of the Open Road, Love's Philosophy,
Lucky Penny, Lunar Baedeker, Lunar Paraphrase,
The Lute-Player, Lying in the Grass,

Thursday, January 16, 2025

Penny's Blog (s 13)


Mad as the Mist and Snow, A Madrigal,
The Magi, The Magician, The Mahogany Tree,
Maison fermée. Le Mal, Manhattan,
Manitoba Childe Roland, The Manor Farm,
Mannequin in a Mirror, Man's a poor deluded bubble,
Maple Leaves, The Man with the Blue Guitar, March,
The March, A March Day in London, A March Glee,
Marching Men, March in Tryon, March Morning in Canada,
The March of the Dead, The March Orchard,
March (O Wind of March), A March Snow,
March Sunset, The March Thaw, March Thought, A March Wind,
Mars & Avril, Mary Tired, Marshlands,
The Master Physicist, The Masterpiece of Dawn,
Maui '70, May, May (A Private View),
May Day, Maye, May Evening in Central Park,
May Garden, May in the Greenwood, The May Magnificat,
May Morning, May Night, The May Queen, A May Song,
The May Tree, May Wind, A Meadow in Spring,
Meditations in Time of Civil War, A Memory,
A Memory of June, Men Made Out of Words, Men Who March Away,
Merry Margaret, The Message of the March Wind, Metric Figure,
Mid-May, Midmost June, Midnight Cry,
Midnight Mass for the Dying Year, Midnight Sonnet,
Mid-October, Midsummer Night, A Midsummer Night's Storm,
The Midsummer Wish, A Midwinter Night's Eve,
The Minister of Tea and Salt, Minor Apocalypse,
Minstrels, Minuit, chrétiens, A Miracle,
Mistletoe, Mnemosyne, The Mocking,
The Modern Politician,The Month of April, The Months,
Moods of March, The Moon and Stars are Making Love,
Moonlight Alert, Moonlight and Common Day,
Morning on the Lièvres, Morning on the Shore,
A Morning Song (for the First Day of Spring),
The morns are meeker than they were, Mortality,
Un mort demande à boire, Mother, The Mother,
Mother Ireland, Mother o' Mine, Mother to Son,
The Motive for Metaphor, Mount Auburn in May,
Mowing, Much in Little, Music on Christmas Day,
My Descendants, My Father, My Heart is a Lute,
My House, My Lady of the Sonnets, My Mother,
My November Guest, My Silence,
My soul is an enchanted boat,
My Table, My True Love Hath My Heart,

Wednesday, January 15, 2025

Penny's Blog (s 14)


Naked December have I curtained out,
The Names, Nativity, Nearing Quebec, Nebula,
Newark Abbey, The New Colossus, The New Cricket-Ground,
A New England June, The New Plaything, News,
The New Year, New Year met me somewhat sad,
New Year's Day, New Year's Eve, A New Year's Gift,
New Year's Morning, Niagara, Night (Fall),
Night for Adventures, The Nightingales in Flanders,
A Night in June, Night Movement - New York,
The Night Piece, to Julia, Night Rain, A Night-Rain in Summer,
1915: The Trenches, 1914, No!, No Man's Land,
No Possum, No Sop, No Taters, North Wind in October,
No Support, Notes Toward a Supreme Fiction,
nothing, Nothing Gold Can Stay,
Not Ideas about the Thing but the Thing Itself,
Not marble, nor the gilded monuments,
November, November: A dirge, November (A London Fog),
November: An ode, November: A pastoral poem,
November Blue, November Evening, November in the Park,
November Night, November Rain, A November Rose,
November's Cadence, November Snow, November Surf,
Now dreary dawns the eastern light,
Now Thrice Welcome Christmas, Now winter nights enlarge,

Tuesday, January 14, 2025

Penny's Blog (s 15)


O Canada: The land we love, The Ocean,
October, An October Afternoon,
October Afternoon in Bad Kreuth in Bavaria,
October Afternoon in Dublin, An October Evening,
An October Garden, An October Nocturne,
October (Once More at Home), The October Redbreast,
October's Bright Blue Weather, October's gold is dim,
October Snow, October's Party, October: "The old eyes",
Ode, Ode: Autumn, Ode, Composed on May Morning,
Ode in May, An Ode of the Birth of our Saviour,
Ode on the Pleasure Arising from Vicissitude,
Ode on the Spring, Ode to Liberty, Ode to May,
Ode to Sport, Ode to the West Wind, Of Modern Poetry,
O Happy Christmas Days of Old, O Holy Night,
Oh that Love Has Come at All, Old and New Year Ditties,
Old Christmas, An Old Man's Winter Night,
Old Song, The Old Year, The Old Year out and the New Year in,
O, Love builds on the azure sea, Olympian Ode 14,
O moon, large golden summer moon,
On a Ferry Passing New York City in January,
On an Apple-Ripe September Morning,
On a Thrush Singing in Autumn,
On December 21, Once in Royal David's City,
Once Like a Light, One Day in Autumn, One Day in May,
One day I wrote her name upon the strand,
One sister have I in our house, One Spring,
Only a Dad, Only the Lonely, Only until this cigarette is ended,
On My First Son, On Receiving News of the War, On Summer,
On the Approach of Autumn, On the Beach in November,
On the Dunes, On the First Morning of Spring,
On the Grasshopper and Cricket, On the Road to the Sea,
On the Winter Solstice, Les ormes,
O, thou whose face has felt the winter's wind,
Over and Over Again, Overhead Travelers,
Over hill, over dale, Over the Hills and Far Away,
Over the wood the sun burns, Over the roofs the honey-coloured moon,
The Oxen, Oxford Cheese Ode,

Monday, January 13, 2025

Penny's Blog (s 16)


page 59, The Parterre, Passing away,
The Passing of Summer, The Passing of the Year,
Passion, The Passionate Shepherd to His Love,
A Pastoral, The Pastoral Pilgrim, A Patch of Old Snow,
Paysage en deux couleurs sur fond du ciel,
Peace, Peace on Earth, Penny, or Penny's Hat,
Penny's Cat is Dead, Penny's OS, Penny's OS 2.0,
Petite fin du monde, Petit, the Poet,
Phillida and Coridon, Philomela, Philosophy,
Pine River Bay, Pines against the Light,
The Pines, The Pines and the Sea, Pins à contre-jour,
The Piping Mountainy Man, The Pity of the Leaves,
The Plant, The Playing, The Plow, Poem,
Poem (Lana Turner has collapsed!),
Poem in October, The Poems of Our Climate,
poem while watching dali paint the iridescent sky,
Poem with Rhythms, The Poet, The Poet in June,
The Poet's Hat, The Pool, The Poplar in August,
The Poplars, Poppies in July, Poppies in October,
Portrait, Portrait of Autumn, Post Meridiem,
The Potato Harvest, A Prayer for Spring,
Prayer of the Year, Premonition, Principia Poetica,
Prison, Pro Patria Mortui, Proud Words,
Psalm 98 (Joy to the World), A Psalm of Spring,
Puck's Song, Puella Parvula, The Pulse of Spring, Purple,

Sunday, January 12, 2025

Penny's Blog (ss 17-18)


Qu'est-ce qu'on peut, The Quiet Snow,


The Rabbit, Raglan Road, Rain After a Vaudeville Show,
A Rainy Day in April, A Rainy Summer, The Reader,
The Reawakening, Red Clover, Red Lipped Stranger,
Red o'er the forest peers the setting sun,
A Red Red Rose, The Red Wheelbarrow,
Rejoice This Day, Remembering Ishtar, Remembrance,
A Remembrance of Autumn, Renaissance, Return of Spring,
A Rhyme About an Electrical Advertising Sign,
A Rhyme for June, A Rhyme of Summer, Rich Days,
The Rich Man, Riding on the Ice upon Lake Champlain,
Ring out, wild bells, to the wild sky,
Ritual Memory, The River, River of My Eyes,
The Road at My Door, The Road Not Taken, A Road Song in May,
The Roaring Frost, Rock Me to Sleep, Romance Novel,
Rondeau: An April Day, Rondel for September, 
Round the Mercury, A Russian Easter,

Saturday, January 11, 2025

Penny's Blog (s 19)


Sacrament, Le Sacre du Printemps, Safety, Sagacity,
Saint Augustine Blues, Chorus Six, St. Patrick's Day,
Salvation, Sanctuary, Santa's Letter,
Saturday Afternoon in the Garden, Saules, Saving Daylight,
A Scroll, Sea-Fever, Sea Lily, Season of Change,
Season's End, The Second Coming, Seeking the Spring,
Self-Criticism in February, Sensation, September,
September (A Foreign Tour), September: A pastoral poem,
September 1819, September Idyl, September in the Laurentian Hills,
September Midnight, A September Morning in Nebraska,
September Night, September 9, September 1913, September. 1918,
A Sestina of Memories, 7/16/69, Shadows,
Shall I compare thee to a summer's day?,
Shanghai, Sheep and Lambs, She Loves Bossa Nova,
The Shepheardes Calender, The Shepherd's Calendar, 
Shepherd Singing Ragtime, She Sleeps Tight, She walks in beauty,
Shireen and the Bee, The Shortest Day, Shuttered House,
Sick and sullen and sad the slow days go,
Silk Diamond, Silver Filigree, S.I.W., Six O'Clock,
The Skater, The Skaters, Skating, 
The Sky, The Sky is low, Sky Song,
Sleeping with Open Eyes, The Sleigh-Bells, Slow Spring,
The Smoker, Snow, The Snow-Blossoms, The Snowdrift,
Snow Dusk, The Snow-fairy, The Snow-fall, A Snow-flake,
Snow-flakes, The Snowing of the Pines, Snow in the Suburbs,
The Snow Is Deep on the Ground, The Snow Man,
Snow Monotones, Snow on the East Wind, Snow Rain,
A Snowshoe Song, The Snow Storm, Snowstorm in December,
So It Befell, The Soldier,
Solitaire, Solitude, Solitude Surrounded,
Song at Parting, Song at Summer's End,
A Song for April, A Song for Canada, A Song for Mithras,
A Song for Mother's Day, A Song for New Year's Eve,
A Song for September, A Song for Spring,
Song: Has summer come without the rose?,
Song of a Second April, A Song of Autumn, Song of Late September,
A Song of the Four Seasons, The Song of the Ski,
Song of the Summer Rain, The Song of the Ungirt Runners,
A Song of Winter, Songs, The Songster, Songs to Joannes,
The Sonnet, Sonnet for the 14th of February, Sonnet 1977,
A Sonnet of the Moon, Sonnet on the Luxembourg Gallery,
The Soul of Summer, So, we'll go no more a-roving,
The Sower, Spectacle de la danse, Spleen,
Spoils of the Dead, Spring, Spring Again,
Spring among the Ruins, Spring Breaks in Foam,
Spring Day, Spring Floods, A Spring Idyll,
The Spring in Ireland: 1916, Spring in the Shops,
Spring is like a perhaps hand, Spring Longings,
Spring Morning, Spring Night, The Spring of the Year,
Spring Pastoral, Spring Posy, Spring Rain,
Spring Rain in London, Spring Rains, The Spring Returns!,
Spring's Beacon, Spring Scene, Spring's Immortality,
Spring Song, Spring's Sacrament, Spring's Welcome,
Spring-Time, Stanzas for Music, The Stare's Nest by My Window,
The Starlit Night, The stars are glittering in the frosty sky,
Stars at Tallapoosa, Sticky Sweaty, Stonewalled Meteor,
Stony Lake, Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening, Stopwatch,
The Stretcher-Bearer, The Succession of the Four Sweet Months,
Summer, Summer Acres, Summer: A fragment, Summer and the Poet,
Summer Dawn, Summer Day, Summer Days, Summer Evening,
Summer Haiku, Summer Holiday, Summer in the South,
A Summer Mood, Summer-Moon, A Summer Morning,
A Summer Night, Summer Night, Riverside,
Summer 1924, Summer 1969, Summer of Love,
The Summer Rain, Summer Rain, Summer Schemes, The Summer Sea,
Summer's Farewell, The Summer Shower, A Summer's Night,
Summer Song, Summer Stars, Summer Storm, Summer Streams,
Summer Sun, The Summer Sunshine, Summer to Autumn,
A Summer Wind, sun being born, The Sun Cup,
Sunlight, Sunny March, The Sun Rising, The Sun This March,
Susanna and the Elders, Swamp Street Exile,
A sweet exhaustion seems to hold, sweet flickers,
Sweet September Days, Sweet Wild April, Symbols,

Friday, January 10, 2025

Penny's Blog (s 20)


Talk, Talking in Their Sleep,
Tardy Spring, Tattoo, Tell All the World,
Tell me not here, it needs not saying,
The Tent of Noon, Thanksgiving, The Thanksgivings,
That time of year thou mayst in me behold, Theme in Yellow,
There Blooms No Bud in May, There comes a warning like a spy,
There is a garden in her face, There is a Wild and Mysticated Wood,
There Is No Cold in Christ, There's a certain slant of light,
There Was a Time, There Will Come Soft Rains,
These Are the Clouds, These are the days when Birds come back,
Things, This Canada of Ours, This Summer Night,
Thou Gloomy December, Threat, Three Grey Days, Three Thousand Miles,
The Thrush, The Thrush in February, The Thrush's Song,
Tichborne's Elegy, The time draws near the birth of Christ,
'Tis Christmas Weather, 'Tis May Now in New England,
'Tis moonlight, summer moonlight, 'Tis Spring, my love, 'tis Spring,
To a Fair Young Lady, Going out of Town in the Spring,
To a Moth that Drinketh of the Ripe October,
To an Athlete Dying Young, To a Thrush Singing in January,
To Autumn, To Blossoms, Toboggan, To Canada,
To Daffodils, To February, To Himself in Autumn, To Helen,
The Token, To Lucasta, Going to the Wars,
To May, To My Mother, To My Sister,
To-night ungather'd let us leave, To October,
Too Much of the "Beautiful Snow", To Spring,
To Summer, To Tame the Kingdoms Let His Angels Run,
To the Autumnal Moon, To the Birds, To the Earl of Dorset,
To the Grasshopper and the Cricket, To the Moon,
To the October Wind, To the Same (Philoclea),
To the Sea Angel, To the Spring, To the Summer Sun,
To the Swimmer, To the Thawing Wind,
To the Virgins, to Make Much of Time,
Toward Evening, To Winter, A Town Window,
Transcend, Travel, Travelling,
The Tree of My Life, The Trees at Night,
The trees have never seemed so green, Triad,
Tripping down the field-path, A Trivial Day in Early Autumn,
A True Account of Talking to the Sun at Fire Island,
The True Christmas, The Truth, Tu croyais tout tranquille,
The Turning of the Leafe, Twelfth Night, or King and Queen,
Twenty-old and Seven-wild, Twenty-third Sunday after Trinity, 
Twice a week the winter thorough, Twilight on Sixth Avenue,
Two Sonnets, Two Summer Days, Two Tramps in Mud Time, Two Ways,


Thursday, January 9, 2025

Penny's Blog (s 21)


Under the April Moon, Under the harvest moon,
Under the Holly Bough, Under the Mistletoe,
Under the Snow, United Dames of America,
The Unnamed Lake, Unwelcome, Upon Julia's Clothes,

Wednesday, January 8, 2025

Penny's Blog (s 22)


Vacation End, A Vagabond Song,
The Vast Hour, Velardena Sunset,
Velvet Shoes, Verses Written in the Spring, 
Vigil, Violets, A Vision, A Vision of June, 
from The Vision of Sir Launfel, Vitai Lampada, 
Voice of the Leaves, Vowels,

Tuesday, January 7, 2025

Penny's Blog (s 23)


Waiting, The Waits, Waking Haiku, Waking in Winter,
The Waking of Earth, War, War is Kind, The Warning,
Waste Land, Watch with me, Watercolour,
The Way Through the Woods, We are not accountants,
The Weary Man, Wedding Hymn, The Weeping Babe,
Welcome to Spring, We like March,
We Like the Winter and Its Snows, Wet Evening in April,
We wear our sober Dresses when we die, Whan That Aprille,
What can we do?, What is the world trying to say?, When I Am Old, 
When icicles hang by the wall, When I Heard at the Close of the Day, 
When I Heard the Learn'd Astronomer, When It Is Finished, 
When I too long have looked upon your face, when i was young, 
When June is come, When Mary the Mother kissed the Child, 
When May paints azure all afoot, When noon is blazing on the town, 
When on a Summer's Morn, When Snow Lies Deep,  
When Spring comes on, When Summer Comes, 
When Summer's End is Nighing, 
When the Ash-Tree Buds and the Maples, 
When the Brow of June, When the Gulls Come In, 
When the herds were watching, When the Hounds of Spring, 
When the Woods Turn Brown, When the World is Burning, 
When Trees are Green, When Yon Full Moon, When You Are Old,
Whilst Shepherds Watch't, The Whispering Poplars,
White House, Whiteout, White Sands Meet the Blue/Green Sea,
Who goes amid the green wood?, Who Made the Law?, 
Who Was Here First?, Why the War?, 
The Wild Flower's Song, Wild Peaches,
The Wild Swans at Coole, Willows (by the waterside),
Wind and Silver, The Winds, The Wind Sleepers,
The winds shake in an ague-fit, Winds of May,
Winter, Winter: A Dirge, Winter: An Elegy,
A Winter Bluejay, A Winter Day, Winter Days, Winter Dusk,
The winter eve is clear and chill, Winter Evening, Winter Field,
The Winter Fields, Winter Ghost (Taking a Time out),
Winter Heat, Winter Heavens, Winter in Durnover Field,
Winter in the Country, Winter is Past, The Winter Lakes,
Winter Love, Winter Memories, The Winter Moonlight, 
Winter Night, Winter Nightfall, The winter night is hard as glass,
Winter on the Zuyder Zee, A Winter Picture, Winter Poetry,
Winter Rain, The Winters are so short, The Winter Scene,
A Winter's Day in California, Winter Sketch, Rockcliffe, Ottawa,
Winter Skies, Winter Sleep, Winter Solitude, Winter Song,
A Winter's Tale, Winter Streams, The Winter's Walk,
Winter-thought, Winter-time, Winter Twilight,
Winter Uplands, Winterworld Descending,
The Wintry Day, Wisdom, A Wish, The Witches' Song,
With trembling fingers did we weave, Wonderful World,
Wood and Stones, Woodman, spare that tree!,
The Wood-pile, Woods in Winter, The World's Body,
World-Strangeness, World Trade Center, The World Well Lost,
Written after Swimming from Sestos to Abydos,
Written at the close of Spring, Written in March, Written in Winter,

Monday, January 6, 2025

Penny's Blog (s 24)


The Year, The Year Hath Reached Its Afternoon,
You Are My Thorn, You believed all was tranquil,
You came, the vernal equinox, You go to the woods,
Young World, You say you love, but with a voice,
You went away in summertime –
these are the poems on Penny's blog
so far.

George J. Dance
Scarborough, Ontario
January 2025

Friday, January 3, 2025

January's featured poem


The Penny Blog's featured poem for January 2025:

A Winter Picture, by Evelyn Wetherald

An air as sharp as steel, a sky
Pierced with a million points of fire

Thursday, January 2, 2025

January / George J. Dance


    Black branches on white
    with one smear of colour,
    a leaf unfallen.

    George J. Dance
    from Logos, and other logoi, 2021

Illustration by George J. Dance (using Grok AI). CC0 1.0, public domain.

Creative Commons License
"January" by George J. Dance is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License

Wednesday, January 1, 2025

Penny's Top 20 / December 2024


Penny's Top 20

The most-visited poems on  The Penny Blog in December 2024:

  1.  December, John Clare
  2.  Logos, George J. Dance
  3.  Skating, William Wordsworth
  4.  Large Red Man Reading, Wallace Stevens
  5.  Ode to Sport, Pierre de Coubertin
  6.  Thou Gloomy December, Robert Burns
  7.  Joy like a stream flows ..., Alexander Stewart
  8.  At Christmas-tide, H. Cordelia Ray
  9.  In the Bleak Mid-winter, Christina Rossetti
10.  Under the Mistletoe, Countee Cullen

11.  Christmas at Melrose, Leslie Pinckney Hill
12.  Nativity, John Donne
13.  Before the Snow, George Parsons Lathrop
14.  December, Edwin Arnold
15.  Ballade of Christmas Ghosts, Andrew Lang
17.  Winter Song, Elizabeth Tollett
18.  Winterworld Descending, Will Dockery
19.  Silk Diamond, George Sulzbach
20. Ritual Memory, Will Dockery

Source: Blogger, "Stats" 

Penny's Top 100 of 2024


Penny's Top 100
The most-visited poems on  The Penny Blog in 2024:

  1.  Logos, George J. Dance
  2.  Skating, William Wordsworth
  3.  Esthetique du Mal, Wallace Stevens
  4.  Large Red Man Reading, Wallace Stevens
  5.  Ode to Sport, Pierre de Coubertin

  6.  December, John Clare
  7.  June Rain, Richard Aldington
  8.  The Red Wheelbarrow, William Carlos Williams
  9.  August, Edmund Spenser
10.  The Dwarf, Wallace Stevens

12.  February, George J. Dance
13.  April Weather, Edith Wyatt
14.  Winter Song, Elizabeth Tollett
15.  Amarant, AE Reiff

16.  Moonlight Alert, Yvor Winters
17.  Chaos in Motion and Not in Motion, Wallace Stevens
18.  Hymn, Jack Kerouac
20.  Autumn's Orchestra, Pauline Johnson

21.  Silk Diamond, George Sulzbach
22.  Summer Stars, Carl Sandburg
23.  Poem with Rhythms, Wallace Stevens
24.  At the Gates of Dawn, George J. Dance 
25.  Winterworld Descending, Will Dockery

26.  August, George J. Dance
27.  September, Vizant* Or
28.  October, George J. Dance
29.  A Meadow in Spring, Tom Bishop
30.  Auld Lang Syne, Robert Burns

31.  November, George J. Dance
32.  My soul is an enchanted boat, Percy Bysshe Shelley
33.  For My Darling, Archibald Lampman
34.  The Lake Isle of Innisfree, W.B. Yeats
35.  Mowing, Robert Frost

36.  All Souls Night, Frances Cornford
37.  Spring Rains, George Sulzbach
38.  Fair Summer Droops, Thomas Nash
39.  On a Thrush Singing in Autumn, Lewis Morris
40.  Ritual Memory, Will Dockery

41.  St. Patrick's Day, Jean Blewett
42.  The Second Coming, W.B. Yeats
43.  Canada, Pauline Johnson
45.  August Moon, J.C. Squire

46.  A Remembrance of Autumn, Adelaide Procter
47.  When Summer Comes, Sophia Almon Hensley
48.  Velvet Shoes, Elinor Wylie
49.  A Day in June, James Russell Lowell
50.  Ganesha Girl on Rankin, Will Dockery

51.  The Grotto, Barry Cornwall
52.  January, James Russell Lowell
53.  In the Bleak Mid-winter, Christina Rossetti
54.  Season of Change, George Sulzbach

56.  Winter Streams, Bliss Carman
57.  A July Fern-Leaf, Mortimer Collins
59.  An April Rain Song, Langston Hughes
60.  A Summer Morning, George Henry Boker

61.  A Song of Winter, Emily Pfeiffer
62.  Autumn, Francis Ledwidge
63.  Ballad of the Goodly Fere, Ezra Pound
64.  For the Fallen, Laurence Binyon
65.  At the New Year, Kenneth Patchen

66.  Night Rain, Christopher Mercon
67.  March, Edwin Arnold
69.  March Sunset, Hilda Conkling
70.  Long Island Sound, Emma Lazarus

71.  Darkness, Lord Byron
72.  Manitoba Childe Roland, Carl Sandburg
73.  The Winter Lakes, William Wilfred Campbell
74.  August Child, Marion Strobel
75.  Bird Cage, Hector de Saint-Denys Garneau

76.  In the Fields, Charlotte Mew
77.  First Week in October, Charles Tennyson Turner 
78.  A Summer Night, Matthew Arnold
79.  Dawn in the June Woods, William Wilfred Campbell
80.  October, Louise Driscoll

82.  The March, J.C. Squire
83.  Evening, Katherine Hale
85.  Sea-Fever, John Masefield

86.  We Like the Winter and Its Snows, James Berry Bensel
87.  July, Susan Hartley Swett
88.  March: An ode, A.C. Swinburne
89.  February the First on the Prairies, Wilson MacDonald
90.  September, Edwin Arnold

91.  Vacation End, Leslie Pinckney Hill
92.  To the Sea Angel, Will Dockery
93.  Autumnal Day, Rainer Maria Rilke
94.  August, Edwin Arnold

96.  The Parterre, E.H. Palmer
97.  When icicles hang by the wall, William Shakespeare
98.  January, Edwin Arnold
99.  The Manor Farm, Edward Thomas

Source: Blogger, "Stats"