Sunday, January 5, 2025

Penny's Blog 2.0 (I)

Penny's Blog

These fragments I have shored against my ruins
- The Waste Land, T.S. Eliot


Penny likes to read poetry. She has a blog,
Penny's Poetry Blog, where she shares
poems she has read and enjoyed:
abandonment, Absence, Accompaniment, Accueil,
Acorns, Adam's Curse, Adlestrop, Advent,
Advent of Today, Advice to a Buttefly,
After Apple-Picking, Afterglow, After Loos,
Afternoon in February, Afternoon on a Hill,
After Rain, After Soufrière, After Summer,
After Summer Rain, After Tea, After the Rain,
After the Winter, Again at Christmas did we weave,
Age, All Hallows' Night, All in June, All Souls' Night,
All the Hills and Vales Along, All Things Burn,
Always Marry an April Girl, Always There, Amarant,
America, Among the Foot-Hills of the Rockies,
Among the Rocks, Ancestral Houses, The Ancient Game,
Ancient Music, And wilt thou have me fashion into speech,
The Angels' Anthem, Angel Standing in the Sun,
Answer July, Anthem for Doomed Youth, The Anxious Dead,
Any Woman, Approach of Winter, April,
An April Adoration, April Again, April (An April Day),
April: A pastoral poem, April Aubade, The April Day,
An April Fool of Long Ago, April Fool's Day,
An April Interlude - 1917, April in the Hills,
Aprill, April Madness, An April Morning,
An April Night, April's Fool, April Rain,
An April Rain Song, April Snow, April WeatherL'aquarelle
As at a TheaterAs imperceptibly as Grief, As We Go On,
At Christmas-tide, At Day-close in November,
At Lord's, At Night, At one time, At the Ball Game,
At the End of September, At the Gates of Dawn,
At the New Year, At the Palais, At the Seaside,
At the Year's Turn, August, August: A pastoral poem,
August (Beside the Sea), August Child, An August Cricket,
August Evening on the Beach, Lake Huron, August in the City,
An August Midnight, August Moon, August Moonrise,
August Night, August Night, on Georgian Bay,
August Noonday, August Wind, An August Wood Road,
Auld Lang Syne, Autrefois, Autumn, Autumnal,
Autumnal Day, Autumnal Sonnet, An Autumnal Thought,
Autumn: An ode, Autumn BalladAutumn Communion
Autumn Treasure, Autumn Twilight, Autumn Wind,
Awake, thou Spring, Away from Town,


Back Yard, baguette, Balance
The Burning BabeBurning the Christmas Greens, But One,
By the Pacific Ocean, By the Autumn Sea, By the Sea,


The Call, Call Back Our Dead, The Call of the Green,
Calmly We Walk through This April's Day,
Canada, Canadian Autumn Tints, Canadian Folk-Song,
The Canadian Rossignol in May, A Canadian Summer Evening,
Candles that Burn, Card Game, Casey at the Bat,
Cease FireCeremonies for ChristmasC'est là sans appui,
Change, Chaos in Motion and Not in Motion,
Cherry-Ripe, The Cherry Tree, The Children,
Chloris in the Snow, Christmas, Christmas at Melrose,
Christmas at SeaChristmas Bells, A Christmas-cake,
A Christmas Carol, A Christmas Carol for 1862,
Christmas Cheer, A Christmas Childhood, Christmas Eve,
A Christmas Greeting, Christmas in the Olden Time,
A Christmas Lullaby, Christmas Morn, The Christmas Night,
Christmas 1915, Christmas 1917, Christmas Prophecy,
The Christmas Silence, A Christmas Song, Christmas Sonnet,
A Christmas Symphony, Christmas Trees, Christmas Violets,
Christ's Nativity, Christ Walks in This Infernal District Too,
Chūn Wàng, The City Revisited, A City Sunset, Clay Dreams,
Coin of the Year, The cold earth slept below, The Cold Heaven,
Come, come thou bleak December wind, The Coming of Winter,
The Coming of Spring: Madrid, Coming SpringCommencement perpétuel
Dead or Alive, Dear March - Come in,
Death as the Teacher of Love-Lore,
The Death of the Flowers, The Death of the Old Year,
A Decade, December, December: A pastoral poem,
A December Day, December ('Neath Mistletoe),
Decorating, Defeat, Déjeuner sur l'herbe, Demons,
Departure, Description of Spring, Desert Places,
Design for November, Desolation is a Delicate Thing,
The Devil, the Moon, and the River, Dialogue of the Earth and Flower,
Digging, Dirge, A Dirge, A Dirge for Summer,
Dirge in Woods, Dirge of the Departed Year,
Dirty Spring, A Distant Spring, The Diver, Doggerel,
Domesday, Donc, ce sera par un clair jour d'ete,
The Donkey, The Dove of New Snow, A Dream,
A Dream in November, Drifting Away: A fragment,
The Drum, A Duet, Dulce et Decorum est,
Dusk in June, Dust of Snow, The Dwarf,
The Dying Philosopher to his Fiddler,


Each tree did boast the wishèd spring times pride,
The eager note on my door, The Eagle That Is Forgotten,
Early April, Early Autumn, Early May in New England,
Early Spring, Early Summer, Early Winter,
East Coker, Easter, An Easter Canticle,
Easter Day, Easter Evening, The Easter Flower,
Easter Hymn, Easter Music, Easter Night,
Easter Ode, Easter Song, An Easter Song,
Easter Week, The Ecchoing Green, 8-8,
Elegy in April and September, Elixir (Dance Mix),
The Elms, The Empty Places, Endless Beginning,
The End of Summer, End of Winter in Long Island,
Les enfants, The Enthusiast: An ode, Envoy,
Ephemeris, Episode of a Night in May,
Especially when the October wind,
Esthetique du Mal, Evening,
The evening darkens over, An Evening in October,
Evening on Calais Beach, Evening on the Marshes,
Evil, Expecting Inspiration, The Exposed Nest,


Faction, A Fading of the Sun, The Fair Singer,
Fair Summer droops, The Falling of the Leaves,
Fall, Leaves, Fall, Fall of Stars,
The Fall of the Leaf, Falltime, False February,
The Farmer's Bride, Fate, Father, A Father to His Son,
The Faun Sees Snow for the First Time,
The Feathers of the Willow, Februarie, February,
February: An elegy, February: A pastoral poem,
February Days, February Gems, The February Hush,
February in Rome, February Rain,
February (Saint Valentine), February's Forgotten Mitts,
February the First on the Prairies, February Twilight,
Feuilles d'Automne, Fever, The Field-Path, Fièvre,
Final Soliloquy of the Interior Paramour,
First Day of Summer, First Snow, The First Snow-Fall,
The First Week in October, Flying Over,
Flute, The Flute of Spring, For Christmas,
For Christmas Day, For My Darling,
For Now Comes Summer, For Summer-time,
For the Fallen, For You, Mother, The Fragile Season,
Francis Turner, Frayed Page Soaked in Rain,
Free Fantasia on Japanese Themes,
From a Chinese Vase, Frost at Midnight, The Frosted Pane,
Frost Tonight, The Frozen Thames, Fuji-san,
Full many a glorious moment have I seen,
The Furrow, Further in Summer than the Birds,


A Game of Chess, Ganesha Girl on Rankin,
Garden, The Garden, A Garden of Love, Garden Wireless,
George Edmund's Song, Gethsemane, Ghosts of Uncertainties,
The Ghost-yard of the Goldenrod,
"Girls and Boys Come out to Play",
God is Good. It is a Beautiful NightGod Smiles,
The Golden Land, Goldenrod, Good Books,
Good Friday, Good Friday, 1613, Riding Westward,
Good King Wenceslas, Good Riddance, but Now What?,
Granite Grasses, The Gravedigger
GreenThe Green Book of the Bards, Green Boughs,
The Green Door, The Green Roads, Green Things Growing,
Grey Days, The Grotto, ground zero,


Hallowe'en, Hallowe'en in a Suburb, The Happy Tree,
Harvest, Harvest Dust, The Harvest Moon,
Haunted Houses, The Haunted Palace,
The Hawk, Heart Winter, Heat, Heat in the City,
Heaven's Man, The Height of Land, Hendecasyllabics,
Hero, High Flight, A High-Toned Old Christian Woman,
Hockey War, A Holiday, The Holly and the Ivy,
Home Thoughts, from Abroad, Horatian Ode 1.9,
The House Was Quiet and the World Was Calm,
The Housewife: Winter Afternoon, How Do I Love Thee?,
how far away it was, How He Died,
How like a winter hath my absence been, How Sleep the Brave,
How soon will all my lovely days be over,
How Spring Came (to the Lake Region),
How true love is likened to summer,
Hugh Selwyn Mauberley (IV-V), The Hunter, The Huron Carol,
Hurrahing in Harvest, Hymn, A Hymn on the Nativity of My Savior,
The Hymn to May, Hymn to the Month of September,


I Am Not Yours, I can remember, The Ice Storm,
Icicle Drops, The Idlers, If —,
If I should learn, in some quite casual way,
If you must love me, let it be for nought,
If Winter Remain, If you were a Rose and I were the Sun,
I Have a Rendezvous with Death, I Hear America Singing,
I heard a bird sing, I know I am but summer to your heart,
I Like Americans, I Like Canadians,
I lived with visions for my company,
I Loved a Lass, I loved you when the tide of prayer,
I love to see the summer beaming forth, I Met the Rain,
Immoral, Impression: Le Reveillon, Impressions,
Improvisations on the Flute, In a drear-nighted December,
In a Garden, In Apple Time, In April, In a September Night,
In a Suburb, Inaugural Poem, In August, In Autumn,
In Autumn's Dreamy Ear, In a Winter Wood, In a Wood,
Indian Summer, An Indian Summer Day on the Prairie,
Indifference?, In Early May, In February,
In Flanders Fields, In Fountain Court, In July,
In June, In June and Gentle Oven, in Just-spring,
In March, In May, In Memoriam (Easter 1915),
In Memory of a Happy Day in February,
In my craft or sullen art, Inniskeen Road: July Evening,
In November, Insanity, In September, In Spring,
In Summer, In Summer Time, In the Bleak Mid-Winter,
In the Fields, In the Garden, In the Gardens of Shushan,
In the Glad Month of May, In the High Hills, In the Shadows,
In the slant sunlight of the young October, The Intruder,
In Violet Light, Invitation to the Voyage, In Young July,
I See Phantoms of Hatred and of the Heart's Fullness and of the Coming Emptiness,
I So Liked Spring, I Speak Your Name, It came upon the midnight clear,
i thank You God for most this amazing,
I Thought of You, It Is Not Always May,
It is the day when he was born, It Is Winter, I Know,
It shall be, then, upon a summer's day,
It sifts from Leaden Sieves, It's September, It Was upon,
I would I were the glow-worm, thou the flower,


Jacket, Januarie, January, January: A pastoral poem,
A January Dandelion, January Dusk, A January Morning,
January Morning, January 1939, January, 1795,
January (upon the Ice), Le jeu, Jonah,
The Journey of the Magi, Joy in Sorrow,
Joy like a stream flows through the Christmas-streets,
Joy-Month, Joy to the World, The Judgment of the May,
July, July: A pastoral poem, A July Dawn, A July Day,
Julye, A July Fern-Leaf, July Midnight,
A July Night, July (on Henley Bridge), Jumbo Park,
June, June: A pastoral poem, June Apples,
A June Day, June Dreams, in January, June in Maine,
June (in Rotten Row), June in the City,
June is Coming, June Leisure, A June Night,
June Night, June Rain, June Thunder,
A June-Tide Echo, Just Think!,


The Key, Knowing,


Lady of Autumn, The Lake Isle of Innisfree,
Lament of the Irish Emigrant, Lana Turner has collapsed!,
Landscape in Two Colours on a Background of Sky,
The Landsman, Large Red Man Reading, The Last Storm,
Last Week in October, Last Week of February, 1890,
Late August, Late Autumn, Late Autumn in the Hills,
Late February, Late October, Late Snow,
Late Summer (Alcaics), Leafless April, Leaves,
Let me not to the marriage of true minds,
Let Me Sing of What I Know, Let No Charitable Hope,
Letter in November, Life Is but a Dream,
A Light exists in Spring, Light of Day,
Like a tall forest were their spears,
Like one great opal on the breast of Night,
Like Rain it sounded till it curved,
Lilies and Violets, The Lily Bed,
Lines, Lines in Late March, Lines to My Father,
Lines to the New Year, 1822, Lines Written in Early Spring,
A little Madness in the Spring, Little Things, little tree,
Liturgy, Logos, London, London in July, London Snow,
Long Island Sound, Long May You Live,
Lorelei's Song, A Lost Morning, Lo, the winter is past,
Love at Easter, Love came down at Christmas,
love is more thicker than forget, Love is not all,
Love like an April day beguiles, The Lover in April,
Lovers' Lane, A Love Song,
The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock,
Love-songs of the Open Road, Love's Philosophy,
Lucky Penny, Lunar Baedeker, Lunar Paraphrase,
The Lute-Player, Lying in the Grass,


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