Monday, January 13, 2025

Penny's Blog (s 16)


page 59, The Parterre, Passing away,
The Passing of Summer, The Passing of the Year,
Passion, The Passionate Shepherd to His Love,
A Pastoral, The Pastoral Pilgrim, A Patch of Old Snow,
Paysage en deux couleurs sur fond du ciel,
Peace, Peace on Earth, Penny, or Penny's Hat,
Penny's Cat is Dead, Penny's OS, Penny's OS 2.0,
Petite fin du monde, Petit, the Poet,
Phillida and Coridon, Philomela, Philosophy,
Pine River Bay, Pines against the Light,
The Pines, The Pines and the Sea, Pins à contre-jour,
The Piping Mountainy Man, The Pity of the Leaves,
The Plant, The Playing, The Plow, Poem,
Poem (Lana Turner has collapsed!),
Poem in October, The Poems of Our Climate,
poem while watching dali paint the iridescent sky,
Poem with Rhythms, The Poet, The Poet in June,
The Poet's Hat, The Pool, The Poplar in August,
The Poplars, Poppies in July, Poppies in October,
Portrait, Portrait of Autumn, Post Meridiem,
The Potato Harvest, A Prayer for Spring,
Prayer of the Year, Premonition, Principia Poetica,
Prison, Pro Patria Mortui, Proud Words,
Psalm 98 (Joy to the World), A Psalm of Spring,
Puck's Song, Puella Parvula, The Pulse of Spring, Purple,

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