Saturday, January 4, 2025

Penny's Blog 2.0 (II)


Mad as the Mist and Snow, A Madrigal,
The Magi, The Magician, The Mahogany Tree,
Maison fermée. Le Mal, Manhattan,
Manitoba Childe Roland, The Manor Farm,
Mannequin in a Mirror, Man's a poor deluded bubble,
Maple Leaves, The Man with the Blue Guitar, March,
The March, A March Day in London, A March Glee,
Marching Men, March in Tryon, March Morning in Canada,
The March of the Dead, The March Orchard,
March (O Wind of March), A March Snow,
March Sunset, The March Thaw, March Thought, A March Wind,
Mars & Avril, Mary Tired, Marshlands,
The Master Physicist, The Masterpiece of DawnMaui '70
May (A Private View)May Day, Maye, May Evening in Central Park,
May Garden, May in the Greenwood, The May Magnificat,
May Morning, May Night, The May Queen, A May Song,
The May Tree, May Wind, A Meadow in Spring,
Meditations in Time of Civil War, A Memory,
A Memory of June, Men Made Out of Words, Men Who March Away,
Merry Margaret, The Message of the March Wind, Metric Figure,
Mid-May, Midmost June, Midnight Cry,
Midnight Mass for the Dying Year, Midnight Sonnet,
Mid-October, Midsummer Night, A Midsummer Night's Storm,
The Midsummer Wish, A Midwinter Night's Eve,
The Minister of Tea and Salt, Minor Apocalypse,
Minstrels, Minuit, chrétiens, A Miracle,
Mistletoe, Mnemosyne, The Mocking,
The Modern Politician, The Month of April, The Months,
Moods of March, The Moon and Stars are Making Love,
Moonlight Alert, Moonlight and Common Day,
Morning on the Lièvres, Morning on the Shore,
A Morning Song (for the First Day of Spring),
The morns are meeker than they were, Mortality,
Un mort demande à boire, Mother, The Mother,
Mother Ireland, Mother o' Mine, Mother to Son,
The Motive for Metaphor, Mount Auburn in May,
Mowing, Much in Little, Music on Christmas Day,
My Descendants, My Father, My Heart is a Lute,
My House, My Lady of the Sonnets, My Mother,
My November Guest, My Silence,
My soul is an enchanted boat,
My Table, My True Love Hath My Heart,


Naked December have I curtained out,
The Names, Nativity, Nearing Quebec, Nebula,
Newark Abbey, The New Colossus, The New Cricket-Ground,
A New England June, The New Plaything, News,
The New Year, New Year met me somewhat sad,
New Year's Day, New Year's Eve, A New Year's Gift,
New Year's Morning, Niagara, Night (Fall),
Night for Adventures, The Nightingales in Flanders,
A Night in June, Night Movement - New York,
The Night Piece, to Julia, Night Rain, A Night-Rain in Summer,
1915: The Trenches, 1914, No!, No Man's Land,
No Possum, No Sop, No Taters, North Wind in October,
No SupportNotes Toward a Supreme Fiction,
nothing, Nothing Gold Can Stay,
Not Ideas about the Thing but the Thing Itself,
Not marble, nor the gilded monuments,
November, November: A dirge, November (A London Fog),
November: An ode, November: A pastoral poem,
November Blue, November Evening, November in the Park,
November Night, November Rain, A November Rose,
November's Cadence, November Snow, November Surf,
Now dreary dawns the eastern light,
Now Thrice Welcome Christmas, Now winter nights enlarge,


OblationO Canada: The land we love, The Ocean,
October, An October Afternoon,
October Afternoon in Bad Kreuth in Bavaria,
October Afternoon in Dublin, An October Evening,
An October Garden, An October Nocturne,
October (Once More at Home), The October Redbreast,
October's Bright Blue Weather, October's gold is dim,
October Snow, October's Party, October: "The old eyes",
Ode, Ode: Autumn, Ode, Composed on May Morning,
Ode in May, An Ode of the Birth of our Saviour,
Ode on the Pleasure Arising from Vicissitude,
Ode on the Spring, Ode to Liberty, Ode to May,
Ode to Sport, Ode to the West Wind, Of Modern Poetry,
O Happy Christmas Days of Old, O Holy Night,
Oh that Love Has Come at All, Old and New Year Ditties,
Old Christmas, An Old Man's Winter Night,
Old Song, The Old Year, The Old Year out and the New Year in,
O, Love builds on the azure sea, Olympian Ode 14,
O moon, large golden summer moon,
On a Ferry Passing New York City in January,
On an Apple-Ripe September Morning
On a Thrush Singing in Autumn,
On December 21, Once in Royal David's City,
Once Like a Light, One Day in Autumn, One Day in May,
One day I wrote her name upon the strand,
One sister have I in our house, One Spring,
Only a Dad, Only the Lonely, Only until this cigarette is ended,
On My First Son, On Receiving News of the War, On Summer,
On the Approach of Autumn, On the Beach in November,
On the Dunes, On the First Morning of Spring,
On the Grasshopper and Cricket, On the Road to the Sea,
On the Winter Solstice, Les ormes,
O, thou whose face has felt the winter's wind,
Over and Over Again, Overhead Travelers,
Over hill, over dale, Over the Hills and Far Away,
Over the wood the sun burns, Over the roofs the honey-coloured moon,
The Oxen, Oxford Cheese Ode,


page 59, The Parterre, Passing away,
The Passing of Summer, The Passing of the Year,
Passion, The Passionate Shepherd to His Love,
A Pastoral, The Pastoral Pilgrim, A Patch of Old Snow,
Paysage en deux couleurs sur fond du ciel,
Peace, Peace on Earth, Penny, or Penny's Hat,
Penny's Cat is Dead, Penny's OS, Penny's OS 2.0,
Petite fin du monde, Petit, the Poet,
Phillida and Coridon, Philomela, Philosophy,
Pine River Bay, Pines against the Light,
The Pines, The Pines and the Sea, Pins à contre-jour,
The Piping Mountainy Man, The Pity of the Leaves,
The Plant, The Playing, The Plow
Poem (Lana Turner has collapsed!),
Poem in October, The Poems of Our Climate,
poem while watching dali paint the iridescent sky,
Poem with Rhythms, The Poet, The Poet in June,
The Poet's Hat, The Pool, The Poplar in August,
The Poplars, Poppies in July, Poppies in October,
Portrait, Portrait of Autumn, Post Meridiem,
The Potato Harvest, A Prayer for Spring,
Prayer of the Year, Premonition, Principia Poetica,
Prison, Pro Patria Mortui, Proud Words,
Psalm 98 (Joy to the World), A Psalm of Spring,
Puck's Song, Puella Parvula, The Pulse of Spring, Purple,


Qu'est-ce qu'on peut, The Quiet Snow,


The Rabbit, Raglan Road, Rain after a Vaudeville Show,
A Rainy Day in April, A Rainy Summer, The Reader,
The Reawakening, Red Clover, Red Lipped Stranger,
Red o'er the forest peers the setting sun,
A Red Red Rose, The Red Wheelbarrow,
Rejoice This Day, Remembering Ishtar (1929), Remembrance,
A Remembrance of Autumn, Renaissance, Return of Spring,
A Rhyme About an Electrical Advertising Sign,
A Rhyme for June, A Rhyme of Summer, Rich Days,
The Rich Man, Riding on the Ice upon Lake Champlain,
Ring out, wild bells, to the wild sky,
Ritual Memory, The River, River of My Eyes,
The Road at My Door, The Road Not Taken, A Road Song in May,
The Roaring Frost, Rock Me to Sleep, Romance Novel,
Rondeau: An April Day, Rondel for September
Round the Mercury, A Russian Easter,


Sacrament, Le Sacre du Printemps, Safety, Sagacity,
Saint Augustine Blues, Chorus Six, St. Patrick's Day,
Salvation, Sanctuary, Santa's Letter,
Saturday Afternoon in the Garden, Saules, Saving Daylight,
A Scroll, Sea-Fever, Sea Lily, Season of Change,
Season's End, The Second Coming, Seeking the Spring,
Self-Criticism in February, Sensation, September,
September (A Foreign Tour), September: A pastoral poem,
September 1819, September Idyl, September in the Laurentian Hills,
September Midnight, A September Morning in Nebraska,
September Night, September 9, September 1913, September. 1918,
A Sestina of Memories, 7/16/69, Shadows,
Shall I compare thee to a summer's day?,
Shanghai, Sheep and Lambs, She Loves Bossa Nova,
The Shepheardes Calender, The Shepherd's Calendar
Shepherd Singing Ragtime, She Sleeps Tight, She walks in beauty,
Shireen and the Bee, The Shortest Day, Shuttered House,
Sick and sullen and sad the slow days go,
Silk Diamond, Silver Filigree, S.I.W., Six O'Clock,
The Skater, The Skaters, Skating
The Sky, The Sky is low, Sky Song,
Sleeping with Open Eyes, The Sleigh-bells, Slow Spring,
The Smoker, Snow, The Snow-Blossoms, The Snowdrift,
Snow Dusk, The Snow-fairy, The Snow-fall, A Snow-flake,
Snow-flakes, The Snowing of the Pines, Snow in the Suburbs,
The Snow Is Deep on the Ground, The Snow Man,
Snow Monotones, Snow on the East Wind, Snow Rain,
A Snowshoe Song, The Snow Storm, Snowstorm in December,
So It Befell, The Soldier,
Solitaire, Solitude, Solitude Surrounded,
Song at Parting, Song at Summer's End,
A Song for April, A Song for Canada, A Song for Mithras,
A Song for Mother's Day, A Song for New Year's Eve,
A Song for September, A Song for Spring,
Song: Has summer come without the rose?,
Song of a Second April, A Song of Autumn, Song of Late September,
A Song of the Four Seasons, The Song of the Ski,
Song of the Summer Rain, The Song of the Ungirt Runners,
A Song of Winter, Songs, The Songster, Songs to Joannes XIII,
The Sonnet, Sonnet for the 14th of February, Sonnet 1977,
A Sonnet of the Moon, Sonnet on the Luxembourg Gallery,
The Soul of Summer, So, we'll go no more a-roving,
The Sower, Spectacle de la danse, Spleen,
Spoils of the Dead, Spring, Spring Again,
Spring among the Ruins, Spring Breaks in Foam,
Spring Day, Spring Floods, A Spring Idyll,
The Spring in Ireland: 1916, Spring in the Shops,
Spring is like a perhaps hand, Spring Longings,
Spring Morning, Spring Night, The Spring of the Year,
Spring Pastoral, Spring Posy, Spring Rain,
Spring Rain in London, Spring Rains, The Spring Returns!,
Spring's Beacon, Spring Scene, Spring's Immortality,
Spring Song, Spring's Sacrament, Spring's Welcome,
Spring-Time, Stanzas for Music, The Stare's Nest by My Window,
The Starlit Night, The stars are glittering in the frosty sky,
Stars at Tallapoosa, Sticky Sweaty, Stonewalled Meteor,
Stony Lake, Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening, Stopwatch,
The Stretcher-Bearer, The Succession of the Four Sweet Months,
Summer, Summer Acres, Summer: A fragment, Summer and the Poet,
Summer Dawn, A Summer Day, Summer Days, Summer Evening,
Summer Haiku, Summer Holiday, Summer in the South,
A Summer Mood, Summer-Moon, A Summer Morning,
A Summer Night, Summer Night, Riverside,
Summer 1924, Summer 1969, Summer of Love,
Summer RainThe Summer Rain, Summer Schemes, The Summer Sea,
Summer's Farewell, A Summer Shower, A Summer's Night,
Summer Song, Summer Stars, Summer Storm, Summer Streams,
Summer Sun, The Summer Sunshine, Summer to Autumn,
A Summer Wind, sun being born, The Sun Cup,
Sunlight, Sunny March, The Sun Rising, The Sun This March,
Susanna and the Elders, Swamp Street Exile,
A sweet exhaustion seems to hold, sweet flickers,
Sweet September Days, Sweet Wild April, Symbols,


Talk, Talking in Their Sleep,
Tardy Spring, Tattoo, Tell All the World,
Tell me not here, it needs not saying,
The Tent of Noon, Thanksgiving, The Thanksgivings,
That time of year thous mayst in me behold, Theme in Yellow,
There Blooms No Bud in May, There comes a warning like a spy,
There is a garden in her face, There is a Wild and Mysticated Wood,
There Is No Cold in Christ, There's a certain slant of light,
There Was a Time, There Will Come Soft Rains,
These Are the Clouds, These are the days when Birds come back,
Things, This Canada of Ours, This Summer Night,
Thou Gloomy December, Threat, Three Grey Days, Three Thousand Miles,
The Thrush, The Thrush in February, The Thrush's Song,
Tichborne's Elegy, The time draws near the birth of Christ,
'Tis Christmas Weather, 'Tis May Now in New England,
'Tis moonlight, summer moonlight, 'Tis Spring, my love, 'tis Spring,
To a Fair Young Lady, Going out of Town in the Spring,
To a Moth that Drinketh of the Ripe October,
To an Athlete Dying Young, To a Thrush Singing in January,
To Autumn, To Blossoms, Toboggan, To Canada,
To Daffodils, To February, To Himself in Autumn, To Helen,
The Token, To Lucasta, Going to the Wars,
To May, To My Mother, To My Sister,
To-night ungather'd let us leave, To October,
Too Much of the "Beautiful Snow", To Spring,
To Summer, To Tame the Kingdoms Let His Angels Run,
To the Autumnal Moon, To the Birds, To the Earl of Dorset,
To the Grasshopper and the Cricket, To the Moon,
To the October Wind, To the Same (Philoclea),
To the Sea Angel, To the Spring, To the Summer Sun,
To the Swimmer, To the Thawing Wind,
To the Virgins, to Make Much of Time,
Toward Evening, To Winter, A Town Window,
Transcend, Travel, Travelling,
The Tree of My Life, The Trees at Night,
The trees have never seemed so green, Triad,
Tripping down the field-path, A Trivial Day in Early Autumn,
A True Account of Talking to the Sun at Fire Island,
The True Christmas, The Truth, Tu croyais tout tranquille,
The Turning of the Leafe, Twelfth Night, or King and Queen,
Twenty-old and Seven-wild, Twenty-third Sunday after Trinity
Twice a week the winter thorough, Twilight on Sixth Avenue,
Two Sonnets, Two Summer Days, Two Tramps in Mud Time, Two Ways,


Under the April Moon, Under the harvest moon,
Under the Holly Bough, Under the Mistletoe,
Under the Snow, United Dames of America,
The Unnamed Lake, Unwelcome, Upon Julia's Clothes,


Vacation End, A Vagabond Song,
The Vast Hour, Velardena Sunset,
Velvet Shoes, Verses Written in the Spring
When Spring comes on, When Summer Comes, When Summer's End is Nighing,
A Winter Night, Winter Nightfall, The winter night is hard as glass,
Winter on the Zuyder Zee, A Winter Picture, Winter Poetry,
Winter Rain, The Winters are so short, The Winter Scene,
A Winter's Day in California, Winter Sketch, Rockcliffe, Ottawa,
Winter Skies, Winter Sleep, Winter Solitude, Winter Song,
A Winter's Tale, Winter Streams, The Winter's Walk,
Winter-thought, Winter-time, Winter Twilight,
Winter Uplands, Winterworld Descending,
The Wintry Day, Wisdom, A Wish, The Witches' Song,
With trembling fingers did we weave, Wonderful World,
Wood and Stones, Woodman, spare that tree!,
The Wood-pile, Woods in Winter, The World's Body,
World-Strangeness, World Trade Center, The World Well Lost,
Written after Swimming from Sestos to Abydos,
Written at the close of Spring, Written in March, Written in Winter,

Scarborough, Ontario
January 2025

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